Friday 24 January 2014

Tissue Paper

I considered tissue papers as one of the cheapest things available today and it is one of the things I over use without thinking twice, until the day JJ and  I stepped into a restaurant for  lunch.

 So there is this restaurant where you  get good fish curry meals (JJ’s obsession and favorite), and because of that single reason I was forced to step in there (still am forced to do that). There is nothing wrong with the restaurant, it is moderately clean, and the waiters are receptive and cultured and of course you  get good fish curry meals there. The only problem (to me at least) I found with this place is that they consider tissue papers to be something really really precious. 

For example before or after your lunch, if you want to (it is not compulsory) wipe your hands. You have to take 4 seconds, which is the walking distance from your table to the counter. Stand before the accountant and in a very humble tone ask him this, “Chetta (brother), tissue” (remember humbleness is the key word here). He will look at you and mark grade for your humbleness and with much difficulty he will take a tissue from the drawer.  And if you need one more again have to double your humbleness and then ask, “Chetta, onu koode (one more). He will give you an expression as if you have asked him for a kidney of his. Don’t lose heart because it is your need. He might show you long face or sometimes he might ignore your request, but again don’t lose your heart. 

I can’t stop going to this restaurant because this is the only place near my office where you will get yummy fish curry meals at a very reasonable rate .
So these days what I started doing is I stopped asking for tissues, and stared carrying my own tissue papers or handkerchief to the restaurant. That is the tip I can give to all those who visit this place “Carry your own tissue papers, if you don’t want to get stared at.”

Click: JJ

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