Thursday 23 January 2014

A lost girl's guide to getting through a day at the in laws family function

Meet your boyfriend’s mom at his sister’s engagement function.  He will introduce you to her, throw a smile at her, just that and answer to the questions being asked, just that. His sister (with whom you have good rapport) will invite you to their place. Go there, but make sure that he is not there.  Also make sure that he is not gonna come back any time soon, because he is busy with his friends (who have come down just for the function and who have never met him for a long time).  Talk to his sister; make plans for the things to be done for the family dinner (before the marriage day).  Your future mother-in-law will be busy in the kitchen, cleaning and packing the remaining food along with a friend of hers.  Again throw a smile. Don’t dare to ask her ‘Aunty, need any help?’ nah… never.  Even if you realize that the work is too much of a burden for her. Just be seated on the sofa. Even after an hour of your arrival, she is reluctant to offer you a cup of coffee or tea.. Let it be.. Don’t ever feel bad. (You can have that from some chaay waalas down in the street or from some restaurant). Again pose a smile. And finally when you are about to leave she will ask you, whether you need  something for dinner and she will ask you whether anything should be packed. Just smile and say, “No aunty, I am on a diet". Spend another 10 minutes there and tell her, “Aunty I am leaving, See you on the marriage day." 

Now What I did

I went there saw my future mother-in-law , toiling  with house hold chores. I rendered a helping hand , which she readily accepted. She gave me a list of the things to be done. I who had vested interest, readily agreed to that list of hers. 


After I am gone or may be after two or three days of my arrival, she spoke to future sis-in –law about me , declaring " that girl ..she was taking  too much freedom with us, see, she washed vessels she made coffee, she cleaned the kitchen, she wiped the table.. I didn't like her at all

Now you who is ignorant of all these things will go for the marriage. The bride’s place and groom’s place are in two different districts, you will have to stay at a hotel and make sure that you never talk to your boyfriend. If you are that desperate to talk to him.. Resort to the technologies available, What’s app, text messaging, Facebook.. and so on.  Even if you are aware that your future mother-in law ill-treats, again just pose a smile. If you want to, phone your boyfriend and torture him and say that am leaving. He, who is finding it hard to balance between girlfriend and mom, will either listen to all your complaints or will beg you to be at the function.  If you have a skin harder than that of a rhino, stay back, no matter, in whatever way your future mother-in law humiliates you. And on the wedding day, after getting ready don’t ever dare to visit your future sister-in-law, your mom-in-law will yell at you and will ask you to leave the room. If you have done that, and after getting yelled, just remember all those bahus in Star Plus. Don’t ever think who you are and why you came there. Just go to your room, cry and even after that you didn't get any relief, again call your boyfriend and cry over the phone. He will come rushing to your room, just hug him and cry. Again the poor thing will ask you to stay back. So for his being stay back and just ignore everybody, if you have a smart phone, then well and good, play games, browse and sit in his uncle’s car silently (make sure that you have a good rapport with his uncle and aunty). Attend the function. If you are lucky enough, there will be some other common friends of you both, who will come to attend the marriage function. Be with them. Don’t dare to go back. Just pack and run with them.

But the best thing you can do is not to attend your boyfriend’s sister’s marriage or re-think the relationship 

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